Help us....
on our research journey!
Dear Grade 3 Parents,
What better way to continue our self-directed journey than to start researching using multiple sources of technology? We have desktop computers and netbooks in school but students also have their own technology devices that will let them research.
For the next two weeks, Mrs. Keeling's and Ms. D'Ippolito's classes will be continuing their Urban & Rural Community self-directed journey and we are giving them permission to bring in their own devices with parent permission. All devices brought in will only be used during class time and may not be taken out to the school yard. Mrs. Keeling and Ms. D'Ippolito will have them locked up when not in use.
Please write a note in your child's agenda if you are sending a device in - a simple line like.... " I have sent in an Ipad with Bobby" will suffice.
We encourage you to also read the St. Henry school website about self directed learning to get a sense for what we are doing. The journey is filled with potential!
Mr. Fernandes Mrs. Keeling & Ms. D'Ippolito
Principal Grade 3 Teachers
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