Monday, 29 April 2013

Bring Your Own Device

Help us....
on our research journey! 

Dear Grade 3 Parents,
     What better way to continue our self-directed journey than to start researching using multiple sources of technology? We have desktop computers and netbooks in school but students also have their own technology devices that will let them research.
     For the next two weeks, Mrs. Keeling's and Ms. D'Ippolito's classes will be continuing their Urban & Rural Community self-directed journey and we are giving them permission to bring in their own devices with parent permission. All devices brought in will only be used during class time and may not be taken out to the school yard.   Mrs. Keeling and Ms. D'Ippolito will have them locked up when not in use.
     Please write a note in your child's agenda if you are sending a device in - a simple line like.... " I have sent in an Ipad with Bobby" will suffice.
     We encourage you to also read the St. Henry school website about self directed learning to get a sense for what we are doing. The journey is filled with potential!

Mr. Fernandes                         Mrs. Keeling & Ms. D'Ippolito
Principal                                         Grade 3 Teachers


Here are 3 questions for you......

What is an Urban Community?
What is a Suburban Community?
What is a Rural Community?

Watch the videos below and see if you can answer these 3 questions.....

Sights and Sounds of Urban Communities

What does a city, or as we grade threes like to call it -- an URBAN COMMUNITY ....... look and sound like?

In this post, you will find some links to videos that let you observe life in a city......   As you watch, think about how it is the same as a RURAL community, and how it is different!

Sights and Sounds of Toronto:

A Walk in Toronto:

Sights and Sounds of New York City:

Times Square:

New York City webcam:

Sights and Sounds of Rural Communities

What is a Rural Community?  

What do you see?

What do you hear?

Watch the video below to help answer those questions....

Sights and Sounds of the countryside:

Next, we go deep into research...Check out the links connected to your topic down below....


These search engines are safe and child-friendly:

REMEMBER: Brainstorm with your group about different key words you can use for your topic. You should still ask your parents for help when searching them.

Kid-friendly search engines

and also:

Google Safe Search

Ask Kids




These sites will put your group on the right track...


Ontario Farmer Magazine

Farmers Feed Cities

Ontario Agri-Food Education Videos

Farms Food and Fun


Getting Around Toronto

Toronto City Family Guide

Help Reduce Traffic from Washington Post

Cycling and Kids

Public Transportation All Over the World


Living in Toronto

Urban and Rural Population in Ontario

National Geographic


I breathe what? - Powerpoint

Tiki One World - Links
One World

Kids Ecology -Environmental Links


Toronto's Skyscrapers

How to draw city buildings

World's Most Beautiful Skylines

How High Are Skyscrapers Built

How Stuff Works

Basics of Skyscrapers - PBS

Tallest Buildings in Toronto

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Exploration Begins!

Now that we all have a Wonder Question on our minds, it's time to do some research!


If your group is interested in learning more about Structures you can explore the links below:

If you group is interested in learning more about Pollution you can explore the links below:

If you group is interested in learning more about People you can explore the links below:

If you group is interested in learning about Transportation you can explore the links below:

3. What do you think is one of the biggest problems transportation? (Play the video.)

4. Have you ever seen how a car is built?

Monday, 15 April 2013

Day 1 - The adventure begins!

Our adventure began by watching the slideshow you can find in our last post. After viewing the show, we brainstormed how to sort in our groups the pictures we were given.  Look how many different ways we found to sort!

Pictures to sort

 Look at our SORTS!!

Now, our homework is to think of 3 interesting WONDER questions about the slideshow, the pictures and the urban and rural communities we explored today!

Remember strong Wonder questions use WHY? or HOW?

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Welcome to 21st Century Learning at St. Henry!

Welcome to our new learning adventure!

This is our class blog about what we are learning in Social Studies.  Visit this site often to find new and interesting facts, videos, sites and activities that will help you understand!

Urban and Rural Slide Show