Sunday, 9 June 2013

Check out MORE of our work!

Our URBAN and RURAL "Wonder" questions were about......

People (Population)

Check out the 6 different ways we presented 
our research!!

1.  The "People" group created this 3-D model, as well as presenting this PowerPoint presentation:

2.   This "Structures" group decided
to create
a background of an urban community 

and a rural community  
to use in their video skit.
Where does the famous "CN Tower" belong??

3.  This "Structures" group decided to create a 3-D model showing both the urban community and a rural community.  They also orally presented information about both communities.

4.  This "Pollution" group created this poster to show their love of the earth -- in both urban & rural communities!  They also performed 3 skits to demonstrate ways we can care for our earth and be good stewards of creation -- no matter what type of community we live in!

5.  The "Transportation" group created an iMovie with pictures of types of transportation and traffic.  They recorded their voices as they explained what the pictures showed and the answers to all their Wonder questions.


6.  This "Pollution" group wrote a detailed report about the 3 main types of pollution (land, water and air pollution) that  you find in urban and rural communities.  Their report gave us a lot of important information!  

Click HERE to read the POLLUTION report!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Check out our work!

Crystal, Ricky, and Jacky learned about FARMING  in both urban and rural areas.
The following slideshow teaches us about people and population, thanks to Carmen, Cindy, and Jennifer!

Rowlie, Garbriel and Jasmine presented their 3D model and report about TRAFFIC!

Do you want to know more about TRANSPORTATION in rural and urban communities? Watch this slideshow made by Samantha, Thea, Melissa, and Sebastian! They made great 3D models too!

Jonathan, Connie and Gerrison asked a real urban city planner for the city of Toronto about BUILDINGS! Here are their posters...

Michelle, Alan and Corinthe researched types and effects of POLLUTION in urban and rural areas. Check out their slideshow below!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Our Success Criteria!

Tick, tock, tick, tock.......

the time we have spent wondering, researching, and creating our artefacts about URBAN and RURAL       COMMUNITIES is almost up!

We will soon be presenting our Urban & Rural projects to the rest of the class..... 

But, how have we done? 
In class, we discussed what it would take to make our learning a success.....

This is what we came up with....


-explain our ideas using relevant information and details from our research

-stay on topic

-compare our topic in urban & rural communities

-work together in our group

-create an artefact that shows our group work

-present our artefact in an interesting way

Next, we will complete our own self-evaluation based on this success criteria.

Visit our blog in the next few days to see what we have created!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Choices, choices, choices.....

Now that we have completed our research, it is time to SHARE what we have learned with the rest of the students in the class....  We have to create an artefact that will show what we KNOW!!

What should we do?  Look at the choices we have!!

Our CHOICE board

Here's what we can use to help us plan!!


What does research look like in our grade three classes?

Over the past few days, we have been researching our wonder questions and gathering information to help us find the answers to them!

We have brought in our own devices (iPads, laptops, ipods & tablets) to help us.  We have also used school computers, laptops, netbooks and iPad minis. 

It is difficult finding the right information, but by working together and saving information on Edmodo, we are able to share and collaborate.

Finding Information

Finding Information.....

Here is one way we collected information...... 

Monday, 29 April 2013

Bring Your Own Device

Help us....
on our research journey! 

Dear Grade 3 Parents,
     What better way to continue our self-directed journey than to start researching using multiple sources of technology? We have desktop computers and netbooks in school but students also have their own technology devices that will let them research.
     For the next two weeks, Mrs. Keeling's and Ms. D'Ippolito's classes will be continuing their Urban & Rural Community self-directed journey and we are giving them permission to bring in their own devices with parent permission. All devices brought in will only be used during class time and may not be taken out to the school yard.   Mrs. Keeling and Ms. D'Ippolito will have them locked up when not in use.
     Please write a note in your child's agenda if you are sending a device in - a simple line like.... " I have sent in an Ipad with Bobby" will suffice.
     We encourage you to also read the St. Henry school website about self directed learning to get a sense for what we are doing. The journey is filled with potential!

Mr. Fernandes                         Mrs. Keeling & Ms. D'Ippolito
Principal                                         Grade 3 Teachers